The Front End Design of a Health Μonitoring System

TitleThe Front End Design of a Health Μonitoring System
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference2015
AuthorsPetrellis, N, Birbas, M, Gioulekas, F
Conference Name7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture, Food and Environment (HAICTA 2015)
Date Published09/2015
Conference LocationKavala, Greece

In this paper an efficient e-health platform based on a low-cost sensor controller system is presented, exhibiting enhanced key characteristics able to provide broad coverage of medical scenarios in a reliable and flexible way. The heart of the system is a low-cost sensor controller capable of performing both simple medical tests and more advanced ones communicating with a Gateway and a tablet or smart phone providing instructions to the patient. Equipped with a simple and flexible communication protocol for data and command exchange, the developed platform is capable of readily supporting a variety of sensors with different sampling profiles. Furthermore, first promising results of on-going work pave the way for achieving considerable enhancement of sensors’ accuracy (close to high-cost commercial ones) and significant extension of platform’s portability through power consumption minimization. These characteristics have been verified by experimenting with various medical scenarios one of which is demonstrated here in detail.